Thursday, March 17, 2005


Just a note for all of you, particularly those who gave me resubmits TODAY:

Grades are in. They are letter-grade accurate, but might need some numeric tweaking to help you as much as possible in the final analysis. THEREFORE--when I get back from Rome, I will update once more, with additional resubmits, and print out updated averages for anyone with a substantial shift.

I want to clarify this: If something reads INC on K12 Planet, then it doesn't hurt you and it doesn't help you. If it says "0" then there is no grade because you didn't do it. If for some reason, one of your assignments is NOT in, I will search, destroy, deal, and repair for you when I get back.

This has been a very time-consuming quarter, between registrations, FCAT testings, and other personal minutiae, and right now I'm just trying to get out of the country. I love you all and I am really sorry if this messes up your life in any way, shape, or form. On the other hand, some of you may have benefited from this--some INCs should have been zeroes!!!

I think most of you will be pleased with your progress thus far.

Thursday, Friday, and Beyond

Okay. . .going to Rome tomorrow. I will not be here for the first two days after Spring Break, and your sub will be Stu! Please be nice to him, since he is always nice to you.

I am cutting and pasting the lesson plans for you into this blog:

Advanced Placement English Literature

Helpers: Any of them

Lesson: This class is reading Jane Eyre as their outside reading, and the novel is going to be due soon.

MONDAY, MARCH 28—Please distribute the Charlotte Bronte essays and have them read them quietly. If they finish early, they may continue reading the novel.

TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2005—Please distribute the focus paper assignment. There is no due date yet—I will talk to them about it in class when I return. They may read the novel OR work on developing themes for the focus paper.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2005—(I might be here to do this for you--) Please pass out the CLEP books and have them do the multiple-choice practice test #3 in the book. Give them scantrons, if you like, or have them use a piece of paper. Collect at the end of the period.

Gifted English IV

Helpers: Jenn Davison, Katie Goodmon, Justin Walters
Watch out for: the rest of them

NOTE: This class has only fourteen students, and will either be wonderful or heinously bad. They are creative, innovative, and very, very strange. I love them, but they can be a handful. It’s best to run the class in a very linear fashion.


Monday, March 28, 2005—Make them watch BBC AND MAKE THEM PAY ATTENTION. These students are reading Frankenstein out of class, and will be writing a paper on it. In the meantime, have them work in the literature book preparatory to the Restoration Unit Test at the end of the week. Today, they need to read Samuel Johnson’s “Dictionary” and answer ALL of the questions at the end of the dictionary entry, on page 564. They may work in small groups if they are cooperative; otherwise, they are on their own.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005—They will be finishing the Restoration Unit and need to start reviewing for their unit test at the end of the week. Please distribute the review sheet and have them work through defining the “who” and the “what” of this time period. I will review with them upon my return.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005—Timed Writing. Please distribute the attached assignment. Collect at the end of the period, whether they are finished or not.

Gifted English II

Helpers: Kacie Carr, Rebecca Fleminger


Monday, March 28, 2005—If a student has signed up to do an Author of the Day presentation, let him or her do it for the first few minutes of the period. They know what to do.
After the presentation, if there is one, please distribute the copies of the poem “The Highwayman” from the folder so labeled. Have the kids read through the poem, and address the questions at the end. There is a song version of it; offer extra credit to any student who brings it in the next day so you can listen to it on the boombox in the back of the room. Please note that you will need to pass out both pages of the poem—it’s quite long. If they finish early they may read quietly.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005—Author of the Day presentation, if relevant. Have the students pick up the brown literature books from the bookcase under the television set as they come into the room. These are college lit books, but they feature amazing poems. Please have them read the poem on page 671, called “The Unknown Citizen.” They will need to work in pairs or small groups to answer questions 1-4 on the following page. After they have read the poem and answered the question, give them the creative writing assignment.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005—Please tell the students to bring The Elements of Style with them to class tomorrow, and to review the SAT word list #2 before the end of the week. There will be a quiz. They will be using their regular lit books today, and several kids store theirs on the shelves at the back of the room. Let them get their books and have them read “R.M.S. Titanic” on page 488. We will be looking at a poem tomorrow with a similar theme. There might be a quiz.

Gifted English II

NOTE: This class has “A” lunch; you will go to lunch from 10:41-11:25. Class begins at 11:25.

HELPERS: Sarah Ballard, Bailey Robb, Nick Del Rio

Watch out for: Some of the boys can be a little immature at times. Otherwise, this class is fine.

LESSON: Same as third period.

Advanced Placement Literature

Helpers: Any of them.

Same as first period.

This is just for your reference and does not imply that there will not be interruptions, bomb scares, etc. Happy reading and writing! I will be back on Wednesday, most likely, but who knows. . .

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Today is the deadline for signing up with Mrs. Kittrell for Grad Nite. Go for it! How else can you spend quality time with Ryan Cabrera? Who is Ryan Cabrera?

AP Lit: 5th will get back timed writings, go over them briefly. All will take JEyre quizlet, then read JEyre. Bring a pillow if you feel like it.

Gifted IV: Finish "Journal of the Plague Year" and recieve Frankenstein reading journal assignment.

Gifted II: Elements of Style; 3rd will look at the Gwendolyn Brooks poem. Both classes with ballad.

Available after school until about 3:30.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Today is the Ides of March.

Tomorrow is the deadline for seniors who wish to purchase Grad Nite tickets from Mrs. Kittrell.

But today is the Ides of March--the anniversary, at least theoretically, of Julius Caesar's assassination. "Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Lend me your ears/I come to bury Caesar, not praise him/The evil that men do lives after them/The good is oft interred with their bones..."

AP Literature: Hand back timed writings and go over student sample essays. Jane Eyre reading questions preparatory to tomorrow's super-easy quiz. (Like the verbal irony in that last sentence?)

Gifted IV: Daniel Defoe. Oh, my. Let's cover ourselves in garlic to avoid the plague. Rats and mosquitoes and toxins, oh my!

Gifted II: Welcome back to third period, for the first time in many days. Author of the Day: Kurt Vonnegut. Elements of Style review fun; give back timed writings to third. Revisions for timed writings due Thursday, March 17. We might look at another poem. 3rd will deconstruct "Ex-Basketball Player," hopefully with more success than 4th.

WRITING CENTER IS OPEN BEFORE, AFTER SCHOOL, AND DURING LUNCH. We will get hit with Covert's English IV Honors research paper assignment, so if you consult, please manifest yourself.

Just a few days until Spring Break!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Monday, March 14, 2005

FCAT NRT is today! I guess that's another day of no third period. That makes me sad. Hopefully, it will finish early and we can bond.

AP English Literature: 1st period will take a look at the timed writings from Friday, and have some time to revise/finish them. Then...poetry in the lit anthology. If we have time, we'll take a look at a brilliant piece by Thomas Hardy. (Thomas Hardy is amazing, an architect who turned to poetry and novel-writing as a means of self-expresssion. He serves as a handy bridge from the Victorian Age to the Modern era. I wrote my senior thesis on his most controversial novel, Jude the Obscure.) 5th period, having been slaughtered by the bomb scare on Friday, will do the timed writing on either the prose passage or poem by Claude McKay.

Gifted English IV: We will finish Mr. Pepys's diary, respond to some questions, and then segue into Daniel Defoe's "Journal of the Plague Year." Bring your Pepto-Bismol; this stuff is disgusting.

Gifted English II: 3rd period will most likely be doing the NRT. 4th--Author of the Day, followed by Elements Rules Review, followed by Othello timed writing responses and a chance to revise. Good times for all.

I will be available before and after school and during sixth period for make-up work should anyone need it.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Friday, March 11, 2005

I get my tax refund today! Oh, wait. That's not really important to you, now, is it?

AP Literature: More of Practice Test 2, and go over Jane Eyre reading thus far. Teeny quiz next week on the first part of the novel, to ensure that you are on track. (Only up until Lowood school.)

Gifted English IV: Finish "Pepys" and get ready to transition into Daniel Defoe. Grammar activity with analogies.

Gifted English II: Author of the Day presentations; review SAT Vocab Subset 2; look at The Elements of Style rules 11-15. Poem for the day: "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot, along with the music. Great way to learn simile, metaphor, personification, and visual/auditory imagery.


Thursday, March 10, 2005


Oh, well. Hopefully it will not affect my reality.

Writing Center open before school, after school, and during both lunch shifts.

AP Literature: Review elements from "Dover Beach" and discuss writing about poetry. I'd like to go over the responses to the fake epic in "Ode to a Drowned Cat," too. If we have time, and we probably will at least in first period, we are going to start the essay portion of Practice Test #2.

Gifted English IV: What we were supposed to do yesterday we will do today. And you will either pay attention and not make incessantly random comments for no reason, or you will leave.

Gifted English II: Author of the Day presentations. 3rd gets to see Desdemona smothered, and then move back into poetry. We need to finish "Mother to Son" by Hughes, and then we are going to transition into "Courage" by Anne Sexton and look at the power of simile. 4th will have more time with poetry.

I have to leave pretty quickly after school. If you are ushering for A Moon for the Misbegotten, please check the notebook and see me at 6 p.m. for call time. I will be grading in the planetarium.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

AP Literature: Poetic connections to Jane Eyre, and looking at analysis essays in the text.

Gifted II: O frabjous day, you are back. Yay. Your next reading assignment outside of class is one of three novels: Crime and Punishment by Dosteovsky, Candide by Voltaire, and Utopia by Sir Thomas More. AP Euro students may not re-read Candide. Sorry, and yes, I have a list and know who you are. Check-reading tests and discussion for these three texts will be the week of April 11, so you have just over a month. Also, today I will give you character lists for all three works, and you need your lit books as we begin poetry. Today: Langston Hughes. Check the list to see who is doing Author of the Day.

Gifted IV: More Pepys. Creative writing today in class based on our reading.

After school: I will be available for make-up tests until about 3:30 today.

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Writing Center open before school at 7:15, both lunch shifts, and after school. I think we are winding down for the quarter, though, and the Covert papers are over.

AP Literature: I will distribute the Jane Eyre character lists today. You need your lit book.

Gifted II: 3rd period is still FCAT-ing; fourth will finish going over Othello. Check the sign-up sheet to see who is doing Author of the Day.

Gifted IV: Samuel Pepys! You'll love him! The original British diarist. You need your lit book.

WARNING: We are fast approaching the end of the quarter. Check the graded bins at the front of the room for your work, and see me if you have been absent to facilitate make-up work. YOU CANNOT MAKE UP AN ASSIGNMENT FOR WHICH YOU WERE HERE BUT APATHETIC.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Monday, March 7, 2005

FCAT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!

That said, let's move on to Lessons:

APees: AP Practice Book, p.147. If we have time, a cool poem by A.E. Housman.

Gifted IV: Questions on "A Modest Proposal" and "Top of the Food Chain."

Gifted II; fourth period: Deconstruct your FCAT experience, pass back graded work, check on updates, read, think, share. Good times.

Gifted II; third period: I WILL MISS YOU TERRIBLY.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Friday, March 4, 2005

APees: Jane Eyre and a longer multiple-choice section; more fun with Al if we have time.

Gifted IV: "Diary of Samuel Pepys" in the Elements Lit book

Gifted II: Vocabulary Quiz for SAT Subgroup #1 on the new packet; more Othello; first Author of the Day presentations--Kacie and Travis

NOTE: 3rd period kids who signed up during the FCAT--see me so we can adjust your presentation dates.

VERY IMPORTANT DATES: FCAT begins Monday; get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast! This is not hard! It will make TSI seem like a bad nightmare! I have faith in you! Strike a blow against standardized testing by blowing it out of the water!

Senior Superlative forms due to Mrs. Kittrell by Monday; sophomores who need to check the testing rooms check the purple list on the front bookcase.

Thursday, March 3, 2005



Onward to academia:

AP Lit: Now that we have made some progress in the AP Lit prep book, we are going to turn our attention to a really cool Victorian poet. Good times. You can call him Al. (Insert Paul Simon melody here.)

Gifted IV: The Age of Reason and fantabulosity. You'll love it. Oh, and your essays are due.

Gifted II: Oooh! Let's watch part of Othello today! I will fast-forward through some of it, to avoid gratuitousness. And then we'll have Terry McMillan as Author of the Day.


Whoooooooo. . .