Sunday, September 30, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Please remind your parental units about Parent Night tomorrow evening, starting at 6:30 p.m. I have peppermints and butterscotch candies for them, and a plethora of information for them.
APees: Second period needs to take the Act II quiz at the start of the period; everyone else gets their quizzes back and an update on grades. Today we're assessing the use of language in Act III and seeing what FRQs would apply to this particular piece of literature--and I'm assigning the next FP. My condolences.*
Gifted English II: Author of the Day is Thomas Harris, the modern scary-novel writer, after which we will finish the last literary terms list. We'll finish discussing Icarus before engaging in a timed writing opportunity in class tomorrow. Trust me: You'll love it!
*Note to APees: One of you asked me last week how many papers we were going to write this year. I just wanted to remind you that there is a calendar on the syllabus--a calendar from which we've already had to deviate thanks to senior assemblies, panoramic photos, and general life issues getting in the way--but that if you check that you'll see that we are generating short papers approximately every week and a half or so. Some of you have already "gotten the memo" and are producing elegant, concise papers in a fairly short period of time--my goal is that through repetition, the focus paper assignment becomes something that you can generate in under an hour. After all, in early May, and under a highly pressured scenario, you will be asked to generate THREE focus papers BY HAND in two hours. I'm trying to get you ready for that reality, and in the process furnish you with plenty of material to take with you next year to college. That's my logic, anyway, and I hope you understand it. If not, please come see me and we'll talk.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
APees, 1st, 4th, and 5th periods: MacQuiz for Act II, and discussion of Act III and the three questions Mac asks his best friend. 2nd period will be participating in the Senior Panoramic Picture today, and it might take all period.
Gifted English II: Author of the Day is Anne Sexton, the confessional poet. We are going to read her Icarian-themed sonnet "To A Friend Whose Work Has Come to Triumph" today and analyze it, after which we'll start reviewing the final list of literary terms in our collection.
Fifth Period Group: Meet in my classroom after school for the Chipotle gathering.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Gifted English II: Our second state-sanctioned reading day will be today; the final due date for Count of Monte Cristo is October 31, 2007.
Have a great day, everyone!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: First and second period are taking/finishing the MacQuiz, and fourth and fifth will get their scored quizzes back. We will also have a Title Parade if time permits from yesterday's focus papers. Today in class--Act II discussion/performance, culminating in the Porter sequence. Be prepared to take notes.
Gifted English II: Hello, sophys! We have a few bits of business to attend to: Collection of the Antigone essays, distribution of previously graded work from the third and sixth period bins, and reminders about Project X. (Mary Claire was nice enough to offer cookies for whichever class could help the most with Project X.) Today we are going to have a new Author of the Day, George Orwell. He will amaze you. Afterwards, we are going to review our reading of Ovid from yesterday and take a look at the poetry in the Icarus packet I gave you, with particular emphasis on "To A Friend Whose Work Has Come to Triumph" and "Musee des Beaux Arts."
Reminder: Tomorrow is our next state-sponsored reading day.
Reminder Reminder: PTSA Open House is NEXT TUESDAY at 6:30 p.m. Please encourage your parents to attend; I promise to be on my best behavior, and, besides, we're not allowed to tell your parents anything negative about you at Open House. Really. So tell them to come.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

p.s. congratulations
Congratulations to the BHS Varsity Football Team for taking down Oak Ridge Friday night, and congrats to the band, cheerleaders, dance team members, and peppy crowd members for making it a memorable evening. Go Boone!
Monday, September 24, 2007
AP Literature and Composition: Just to be clear, since so many of us are still waging war on and its occasional site meltdowns: The Oedipus Rex paper is due in my hands TOMORROW and MONDAY NIGHT MIDNIGHT on the site/to my e-mail. Electronic. schmelectronic. I know. I feel your pain.
The first Macquiz is tomorrow, as well--so we need to finish Act I today! I asked you to read through Act I, scene iii at home, so we should rip through that scene like Macbeth through Macdonwald's traitorous belly. (See scene ii for the full imagery of that allusion.)
Gifted English II: Good times ahead! For planning purposes, and to reiterate the info given in class that ::ahem:: SOME of you wrote down:
Monday: Vocabulary Quiz
Tuesday: Antigone Objective Test
Wednesday: Antigone Essay Questions Due, electronically AND in person.
So, what joyous things are we going to do today after our quizlet? Let me tell you!
We are going to review a few key elements from Antigone. . .THEN we are going to check out Ovid's Metamorphoses! Before you get really excited, let me tell you that this little mini-unit is going to connect literature to language and grammatical constructions via a TIMED WRITING. I can't wait!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tomorrow, September 22, is not only Ms. Skinner's birthday, but also the official beginning of Autumn, my very favorite season. We don't technically have fall here in Florida, but haven't you detected a slight crispness in the air for the past couple of days? It's been a lovely shift.
Good luck tonight, Braves! Let's go 4-0!
APees: More Macstuff today, with some friendly reminders of Oedipus Rex writing ideas for FP#3.
Gifted English II: Vocabulary Quiz #5, followed by an inspirational discussion related to Antigone.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Dandelion Communitea on Thornton for four poems with Covert et moi. We will start around three and end around five; come for some or all of the experience! APees and Friends invited.
(They make a really nice Moroccan Mint Tea there. . .I can't get over how amazing that tea is. . .)
Today my classroom is CLOSED for A lunch. I have a meeting with admin and cannot have unsupervised peeps in my classroom. Back open as usual on Friday!
AP Lit: We were going to review the timed writings with my comments today, but an incident after school ended up taking a disproportionate amount of my time and so we have an option that first period will democratically determine for the rest of the crew. We can peer review OR hold off until I can read more exhaustively through all of them. I do have stats to share with you regarding approaches to the prompt that we should discuss. We also need to go over the ORex paper's expectations today, and make the transition into the Macplay. It will change your life.
Gifted English II: Author of the Day Quiz today, immediately followed by a discussion of the Antigone testing process. You have a take-home essay test that will be submitted through AND an objective test. We are also reviewing terms 81-100 in our literary terms list today. Bring your hw with you!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Writing Center is open during both lunch shifts for anyone who needs help, and I will be available for over an hour after school today for college essay/application help.
AP Literature and Composition: Today is the Oeditest; tomorrow, a timed writing. And the fun just continues! Woot! Bring a pen with you today and an extra sheet of paper; you can write directly on this test so you won't need a pencil.
Gifted English II: Author of the Day is Geoffrey Chaucer for 3rd period and Angela Shelf Madearis for sixth, and we are doing Edusoft Benchmark Testing for the bulk of the period. I have pencils for you, and shiny heart stickers!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
1. Congratulations to the Boone Braves for another victory! We're 3-0!
2. If you owe make-up work for this class, or any of your other classes, you need to get it into to your instructor ASAP. Grades will be uploaded by tomorrow afternoon (9/18) so that progress reports can go home Thursday, September 20.
APees: Review for ORex test; return focus papers; discuss expecatations for ORex paper; shift into high gear looking at other FRQ options.
Gifted Eng II: Go over strategies for Edusoft Benchmark Testing tomorrow in class; Author of the Day will be Geoffrey Chaucer; distribute graded work and go over expectations for Antigone essay test; finish Scenes III and IV of Antigone.
Writing Center is open today during both lunch shifts. I can't help anyone after school due to the Faculty Advisory Committee meeting at 2:30.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Today is ORANGE AND WHITE day. If you are wearing our school colors, or a Boone t-shirt, you can leave early for lunch.
APees: Yes, you just handed in the second focus paper, but I'm mean (not really) and am giving you the third assignment today. Oeditest will be TUESDAY. Today--related poetry.
Gifted English II: Author of the Day is Anonymous. Vocabulary Quiz--the first on your own! With no review help from me! Wow! And. . .Antigone, Scene 3, and related questions. HW this weekend: Read at least 40 pages in Count of Monte Cristo.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Thursday, September 13 2007
APees: Today we are going to divert briefly from our discussions of ORex--academic vocabulary review, discussion of AP FRQs, and a spirited reading of "On the Road to Delphi" by John Updike.
Gifted English II: Author of the Day is Douglas Coupland; grammar review courtesy of Daily; Scene II of Antigone as dramatically re-enacted by our peers. A good time should be had by all. Reminder: Vocab quiz manana!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be available after school until 3:30 to read over college app essays and National Merit passages. Come see me.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

APees: You have a focus paper due TODAY--hard copy version in my hand by 3 p.m. and electronic copy via OR by 11:59 p.m. tonight. I will be in a department meeting after school today in room 315, but my room will be unlocked and you can leave the paper on my desk with my secretary (kidding--she's nine and will be playing) OR you can quietly wander in and slip it to me during the meeting. I don't like meetings much, so I'll welcome the distraction. Also kidding. This is the coffee speaking.
As for class today--we are in Guidance being Guided. When you are finished, come back to the lobby for casual enlightenment. We might not have time for actual learning, but if we do--if we do, oh please--there is a snazzy poem called "On the Way to Delphi" that needs our attention.
Gifted English II: Our first reading day for Count of Monte Cristo! Contrary to popular belief, this is NOT Gifted Nap Day, or Gifted Giggle Day, or anything non-academic. You are to find a comfortable spot and READ, after which you will submit a reading slip to indicate your progress with the novel thus far. Extra copies will be on the front table.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
APees: Continuation of discussion from yesterday, and beginning of discussion regarding Jocasta. There are some terrific questions on page 1301 that we should reference, and if we have time I want to go over some FRQs from past AP exams.
Sophys: Antigone, "Prologue and Parados." Also--a friendly reminder about this week's vocab quiz, tomorrow's reading day of amazingness, and How Appositive Phrases Work.
Monday, September 10, 2007

APees: ORex reading and questions; critical essay on "Sophocles and the Plague of Modernity."
Reminder: You have a focus paper due on Wednesday, September 12--in my hand by 3 p.m., and on by 11:59 p.m. Also, Wednesday is significant in that we are having our Senior Meetings with your respective Guidance Counselors. Meet in Guidance.
Gifted English II Sophys: Author of the Day today is Anne Rice, vampire novelist. We will finish our pre-reading of Antigone and start looking at the play itself today, and I need to collect your grammar assignment from Thursday. HW tonight: Reading CMC (or acquiring it!) and working on your literary vocabulary, since I'm not reviewing the list with you this week.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
And. . .senior snake sixth period! (I really like drums.) Congrats to all the new seniors who will be roaming the school at the end of our day.
AP Literature and Composition: The dramatic re-enactment of Sophocles's Oedipus Rex: Parados and Episode 1 today. HW: Read as much as you can this weekend preparatory to our critiques on Monday and continue working on FP#2.
Gifted English II: Vocabulary Quiz on Literary Terms, subset 3; Author of the Day is Sophocles himself and our discussion will continue to develop as we craft the backstory for Antigone. Bring your textbook on Monday with you, and don't forget your grammar homework!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Sophys: Author of the Day: Margery Kempe and discussion of "Charming Billy," and a post-it note quiz. Transition into Greek drama with Antigone and reminder of our first reading day next Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
We bid adieu to the MathCat yesterday and are gearing up for a busy fall season. Don't forget to come by the tables at Rush Week to check out all of the club activities for the school year. Rush Week will be during both lunch shifts outside the KemoSabe Commons.
APees: Finish the Marlowe/Raleigh discussion from yesterday; address concerns about the new focus paper assignment; introduction to Sophocles. Tone Glossaries will go home later this week.
Gifted English II: Review 41-60 on the litterms list and read a story by Tim O'Brien in our text. Next up: Antigone, in class, and Count of Monte-Cristo, outside of class. Character lists will go home later this week.
NOTE: The Writing Center is now open for business during both lunch shifts! If you need assistance come in and Mrs. Nicoll, Mrs. Buchanan, Mr. Glester and I will help you with the aid of our highly trained and qualified staff of student consultants.
If you need help after school today I am unavailable, but I can stay Thursday and Friday for college application essay help and rec letters. Come see me if you have questions or want to schedule a specific time.