Congratulations to the BHS Football Team, Band Members, and Cheerleaders (aka Athletic Supporters) for the astonishing victory over Timber Creek last Friday in double overtime. Braves are 2-0 this season thus far--let's keep it up!
APees: ORex reading and questions; critical essay on "Sophocles and the Plague of Modernity."
Reminder: You have a focus paper due on Wednesday, September 12--in my hand by 3 p.m., and on http://www.turnitin.com/ by 11:59 p.m. Also, Wednesday is significant in that we are having our Senior Meetings with your respective Guidance Counselors. Meet in Guidance.
Gifted English II Sophys: Author of the Day today is Anne Rice, vampire novelist. We will finish our pre-reading of Antigone and start looking at the play itself today, and I need to collect your grammar assignment from Thursday. HW tonight: Reading CMC (or acquiring it!) and working on your literary vocabulary, since I'm not reviewing the list with you this week.