Before school today, we're having a brief meeting with Mary Claire to deliver new Project X-Mas containers and get an update on our progress. Collection this week will be THURSDAY, not Friday.
Sophys: Author of the Day, followed by the completion of "My Melancholy Face" by Heinrich Boll. Oh, and see the next post for something cool and linguistic.
APees: Your homework questions are due for Act V, scene i; today in class, we are doing scene ii. If we have time, T.S. Eliot's viewpoint on Hamlet and his delays. Eliot is the one who claims that Hamlet is an artistic failure. T.S. is brilliant, and one of my very, very favorite poets in spite of that stupid cat thing (sorry--you remember how I feel about musicals) but I have to disagree with him somewhat vehemently here. Oh, and I have to break some bad news to ya'll who haven't read ahead: Hamlet is going to die. Yup. Sorry to have to break it to you; he is, after all, the title character in a Shakespearean tragedy, and as such, is doomed.