I hope you turned your clocks ahead one hour; otherwise, you're going to be very surprised first period tomorrow. Also, this is a good time of year to check your home's smoke alarm--test it by holding down the button for five seconds, and if it makes a weird sound get new batteries for it. I'm not a fire marshal (ha, ha) but I care about safety!
I spend the weekend hibernating in Flu Zone and feel (marginally) better, so I will be in class tomorrow. I have a parent conference at 9:00 but I will be in my classroom before/after for anyone who needs anything.
Gifted English II: We have three major tasks to do today: Go over the FCAT testing list, and ensure that you know where and when to report on Tuesday and Wednesday; review for the inevitable Othello test that is coming up at the end of the week; distribute the new reading assignment for our new non-fiction unit. This will be the only day I will see you this week--Thursday is a testing adjustment day, and you will have third period all morning, and Friday I will still be out due to Thursday's dental issues. See me today or e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns about anything.
AP Literature: I will address questions on the Jane Eyre paper and remind you that you can earn FIVE EXTRA CREDIT POINTS if you bring your rough draft to the Writing Center for consultation today, tomorrow, or Wednesday. The paper is due Friday. In class today, we will begin reviewing for the Romanticism Unit Test and read a metaphysical poem by John Donne, "Death Be Not Proud."