Sunday, December 12, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010


Gifted English II: Part II of the epic Lecture on Dead People, otherwise known as the Raging Tudor Dynasty. Prepare to take epic notes.

NOTE TO SOPHYS: As I said in class, we are beginning a unit on Shakespeare and will be reading two plays, Julius Caesar and Othello. If you are interested in getting the No Fear Shakespeare edition from Barnes and Noble, you need to order it online or at the store very soon. (Both, I think, are 5.95 plus tax, but my older students swear by them.) I also want to remind you that BOTH plays are available online and in your textbook for free. FREE! This is just if you want the additional help. ALSO--We will be working with a grammar text called The Elements of Style by Strunk and White beginning in late January, and you WILL need a copy. Awesome little book.

AP Lit and Comp: Make-up Hamlet tests for a handful of you (yes, the rest are graded) and an essay by T.S. Eliot (found elsewhere on this blog) on why Hamlet is an artistic failure. Yes, I had to pull my jaw up from the floor on that one, too, but let's see what Missouri's finest son has to say about the melancholy Dane.