Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gifted English II: Act V, scene v of JC with visual stimuli AND the awesome, not-ready-for-prime-time JC Scavenger Hunt!!!

NOTE: Our next major literary event is Othello; we will be working primarily from a class set, but if you wish to acquire a copy of the No Fear: Shakespeare series, I just saw over 147 copies available on for a little over a dollar each. New, they run around six bucks--a bargain at either price point. If you don't want the paraphrased assistance, at least download the play from a reputable source for homework. We will discuss this in class tomorrow.

AP Lit and Comp: "The Chimney Sweep" behind us, we will review Blake and practice two multiple choice sessions based on specific passages. BRING THE LIT BOOK TOMORROW.