Thursday, February 03, 2011

Julius Caesar Paper

Gifted English II

Style Sheet: Julius Caesar Focus Paper

This paper is due Tuesday, February 8, 2011 by 2:30 p.m. (hard copy) AND 11:59 p.m. that night on OR e-mailed to for uploading. If you are absent that day, your paper is STILL DUE. Send it with a friend or fax it to Boone at 407.897.2466, attention Ms. Hilley.


--Typed, double-spaced, in a professional font (Times New Roman, Arial)

--Optional cover page with clip art of your choice

--Stapled in this order:

Cover sheet (if included)

Revised, typed copy

Rough draft with two signatures signifying peer review

--Proofread carefully for errors in spelling and conventions

--No works cited page is necessary, but be SURE to cite quotes in this

format: (Act, scene, line number) with a capitalized Roman numeral for the Act, a lower-case Roman numeral for the scene, and Arabic numbers for the line or lines. Example: “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good” (IV, v, 36). The punctuation goes on the outside end of the parentheses.