If you have read the previous blog entry, you may have noticed that I posted the sophomore errors, as well. These entries are certainly not intended to embarrass anyone, but I think it's good practice to look at trends and see where groups of students are erring. I plan to cover this material in class in an ongoing fashion, but for your reference (and in the event that you lost the half-sheet I gave you today after the Bovary quiz) here are the common errors for the Bovary/Awakening papers.
Common Errors/Focus Paper #1 2008-2009
1. Students tend to write “in the book” instead of in-universe
2. Syntax errors—fragments, run-ons, lengthy sentences with awkward comma splices
3. Their/there
4. You and I: Second and First-person narratives (I believe/I feel/In my summer reading project I had to read two novels/Summer reading is normally boring)
5. Command form: Take Edna, for example. (What if I don’t want to?)
6. Informality in diction: slutty, studly, OMG
7. Accept v. except
8. Transitions (awkward or non-existent)
9. Cannot v. can not
10. Quotes in Space: Many papers featured well-selected text evidence, randomly placed within the text, or not introduced at all. (Review appropriate quotation usage.)
11. It’s v. its
12. Errors in content (infrequent but memorable): Edna and Emma confusions; errors in plot or setting
13. Lack of conclusion or weird conclusion: “Well, they got what they deserved!”
14. TENSE: Stay in present tense when evaluating literature.
That said, the papers were fairly strong overall, and many of you who have already contacted me about revision have good ideas about developing your writing skills with each paper. Bravo to all of you!