Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!! Avast and ahoy, mateys!!!

You can access the web site at if you are curious about pirate-themed things. Warning: The site isn't purely polite, landlubber. Kinda PG. So. . .aaaarrrgghhh!
I will have eyepatches to distribute on a first-come, first-served basis. I have almost three hundred left, but you never know. Some pirates are greedy, you know.
On to serious academic things:
Gifted English II: Our Author of the Day today is Sophocles, the Greek playwright. Why? Because we're going to start studying some Greek tragedy, that's why! I'm so excited. You will need to bring your textbooks with you for a while; after Antigone, you can retire them to your locker or under your bed until further notice. Final review for vocab quiz; discussion of CMC; introduction to Greek Theater complete with classy cartoon/chart on board. I love me some Sphinxie and once I figure out how to scan my "art" I'll be happy to post it here.
APees: After reviewing the poems from yesterday, we are making a transition into the world of Shakespearean tragedy. I have tons of resources for you; today is mostly lecture material and note-taking before we embark on the Macplay. Life-changing stuff, this. Yup. If you haven't acquired your own copy of the Macplay yet, do so; if you don't want to spend the money, I have a plethora of copies on the shelves for your perusal.