Why, that's big enough for a whole class, isn't it? But no--you can't share! That would violate policy. Be safe, be sane, be careful of Rogue Cupcakes, people. Safety first!
Please don't forget that today is Around the World Day for Homecoming Week, a day in which you can celebrate by finding awesome clothing that reflects the social mores of other cultures.
Sophys: Icarus, grammar, Authors of the Day, and the return of various graded papers to file in your notebook. We will also feature a Title Parade of the Count of Monte Cristo essays and a friendly reminder to acquire the novel Candide. (Several of my seniors are donating their old copies, so if you need one, see me ASAP.) Also, regarding your English notebook: I realize that for some of you, the English notebook is actually a pile of decrepit and squished papers at the bottom of your backpack, while for some of you it is a proud collection of laminated, cross-referenced, and color-coded documents. Each of you learns differently. However, please allow me to state this: DO NOT THROW YOUR STUFF OUT NEXT WEEK MERELY BECAUSE IT IS A NEW QUARTER. What is coming up in December? Why, the end of the semester--and you need that information for the semester exam. If you'd like to "download" your data and file it at home for a while, then that's fine--but don't throw it away. I cannot generate new handouts for you to help you prepare for the upcoming exam.
APees: More explorations of Hamlet, and a segue to Act II. Oh, and please see the above rant about your English notes: throw out nothing. File it away, yes, but you WILL need this information, not only for the semester test (which is a lulu) but for the national exam in May (which is a super-lulu.) Don't stress out, though--consider this a rite of passage into adulthood. Welcome to the pressures of high expectation. It will not improve with age.
Much love to all; I can't wait to see your costumes tomorrow!