Every sophomore and junior will be taking this test this morning, as will the AVID and Gifted freshmen. In other words, 1700 kids will be taking a standardized test and the entire campus will be disrupted. On the plus side, I believe passionately that this test is the most valid marker we have to ascertain a child's preparedness for more rigorous course work; I think it's far more valid (both norm-referenced and criterion-referenced) than many other tests to which we subject our young people. On the minus side, though, I'm not a fan of classroom disruption, and I'm not too wild about being relocated to the math building while freshmen are relocated to my bizarre yet happy classroom environment.
Hopefully, the PSAT will be a positive experience for everyone, and my afternoon AP classes will not be impacted in any significant way.
Sophys: Go to bed early the night before the PSAT, and eat a well-balanced breakfast beyond your usual Pop Tart and Coke combo that some of you favor. I will miss you terribly and will see you on Thursday!
APees: We'll have to see how much time is left, but I do want to go over some final thoughts on Macstuff and prepare for the transition to all things emo and Danish. In other words--Hamlet is coming, and some of you will develop a celebrity crush on him a la Mr. Darcy and others of you will find him insufferable. Hakuna matata, peeps.