I sent everyone a reminder e-mail this evening about tomorrow's focus paper deadline. If you have questions or seek further clarification, please see me before school or e-mail me this evening (I'll be up until around 11:00 EST) at jennifer.hilley@ocps.net and I will answer whatever questions I can--within reason! "Can you write my paper for me?" is never an acceptable question.
Yet students still ask. . .,
Gifted English II: Collect focus papers on JC, and have a title parade, followed by Othello, Act I and a Lupercal group meeting for second period. If you were absent yesterday, be sure to get the notes from yesterday's lecture from a friend. PLAN AHEAD: We will be starting a grammar unit next Friday using The Elements of Style by Strunk and White. Please get a copy of this book--you can even check one out of the library, or bug a junior for their copy, or see me for one of my spares--by that time. This book is life-alteringly good and will reshape the way you look at grammar. Also, while I do have a class set of Othello hidden in the burgundy Sound and Sense anthology, some of you may find it helpful to have your own. I found a No Fear: Shakespeare version on amazon for just over a dollar earlier today, so it can be done. NOT REQUIRED BUT IT MIGHT BE HELPFUL.
APees: After a stirring review of key concepts from "Wind" we are doing "Ozymandias" today, in the poetry paperback, for those who don't know it. Shelley's most genius (pardon the misuse of the adjective there, but I feel really strongly about this) sonnet, like, totally, like, ever. Wait until you see the award-winning cartoon on the board. Then: Quiz Fabulousness, followed by Title Parade for your Shelley Focus Papers. I know you won't wait until 5 p.m. to submit, eh?
PLAN AHEAD: Get Jane Eyre. Really. You won't regret having your own literary magic 8-ball to play with.