Someone mentioned getting seamonkeys for the class in lieu of the ongoing attempt to keep a Goldfish cracker taped to the board in a cruel world where Goldfish crackers taped to the board are squished by nefarious types. Thoughts? Seamonkeys? A cactus? Some other easy-to-maintain class pet? A Chia Pet? Pet rock?
On to academics:
NOTE: I will not be here Wednesday; Mr. Bailey will be your sub. Be nice to him!! He is my friend and I will be upset with you if he is upset. Also, two of you still need to make up the AP Lit semester test. . .time is ticking. . .
Gifted English II: I just found out that I will be giving the FCAT Writes, but I 'll be using my own classroom to do it. Yay! Some of you will be with me, but I won't have the list until the day before the test.
Today in class: After we complete the peer review of the Julius Caesar paper, which is due Friday, we will have our first meeting fo the Lupercal Festival groups. I tried to accommodate everyone's wishes--everyone got at least their first or second choice!--and I'd encourage you to exchange e-mail addresses and phone numbers to facilitate our progress. The Festival date is Tuesday, February 9--the day before FCAT Writes. Why not?
APees: Peer review for the Shelley paper, followed by an introduction to the poetry of Percy Shelley and John Keats.