Dear Students,
Ms. Hilley went home sick Friday morning, and won't be back at work until next Monday. Don't panic; she has a plan.
She has strep throat which has settled into her tonsils and her highest fever hit 106 this weekend. In addition to being contagious, she is beyond miserable. (I'm typing this for her while she dictates so pardon anything overdramatic.)
She wants you to know the following:
1. Once she can sit up again, she will generate a comprehensive exam review and send it to school.
2. Since she won't be there to review with you, she plans to curve your final.
3. Your writing assignment tomorrow--which should be on the front desk on half-sheets of paper--is to write a letter to your future self. You will receive this letter at the end of your senior year. It will be locked in the school safe in the interim for safekeeping. On Wednesday, you will be given a festive envelope to take home and decorate any way you choose to store said letter. Your name should be clearly delineated somewhere on the outside.
She knows that this "sucks" and she has to miss graduation now, but things were pretty bad there for a while and she is on heavy-duty antibiotics now. And she very much hopes that none of you have this, too.
More details pending. Be nice to your sub!