Gifted English II: Tomorrow will be your last scheduled reading day for your chosen novel. You will NOT get a grade if you forget your book tomorrow, so write a note, inscribe it on your hand, jot it down in your planner. . . Today, though, the commentaries are due, and we will have the obligatory Title Parade and second period will analyze the green sheets from 2005. (First period already did this.) Please don't forget to attend one of Mrs. Nicoll's meetings TODAY, TOMORROW, or THURSDAY in room 315--and don't be late! I believe she wants to start at 8:45. This is REQUIRED for all potential AP Language students next year.
AP Literature and Composition: You have only first and second period exams today; I will be here finishing grades and collecting make-up work. Don't forget to get your orange check-out form signed and turn in all of your textbooks to the Media Center. Tomorrow, the Senor Assembly begins promptly at eleven in the auditorium, after which you will be fed!