Thursday, February 25, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Word of the Day: indefatigable

Today's Holiday: For Pete's Sake Day, Levi Strauss Day, and National Personal Chef's Day.

Gifted English II: The Elements of Style, Rules 1-11 (further review and application); Othello, Act III. Your Act II questions are due today by the end of business. See me if you have any questions. I will be finishing the last of the Julius Caesar papers this weekend and returning them to you Monday; the next paper is Othello-related and is a really intriguing topic. Go team!

APees: Yesterday, I had you construct a timed writing response to a DBQ related to a letter Charlotte Bronte had written to the then-famous poet Robert Southey, and his snarky response to her, and her snarkier response back. (I love the line where she assures him "I try not to think. . .") Today, we are going to look at viable approaches to thesis statements, do a peer review on our writings, and then look at student samples in the guidebook that were scored by College Board as rubrics. This may sound dry, but this is VITAL for success in May. Your reading assignment this weekend for Jane Eyre is through Chapter 5, please. Thanks!

MARY SHELLEY PAPERS ARE DUE BY 3 p.m. I will be in a meeting with Dr. McMillen, so you can either leave it under the door (risky) or drop it at the main office (much more solid option.)