Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The FCAT Writes! test will be administered next Tuesday, resulting in an elongated second period session. If you have late arrival, please check with an administrator or check the adjusted bell schedule for your arrival time on that day. I will be administering the test to a small group of learners in my classroom, which means that 313 is strictly off-limits to non-testers. We cannot interfere with the integrity of the test. See me if you have any questions throughout the week.

Sophys: The focus paper for Julius Caesar won't be due until after the FCAT Writes, even though we are already beginning Othello. Also, I can extend the memorization assignment into early next week due to overlapping deadlines with the Lupercalian project, the standardized testing, and scheduling for next year. I will clarify in class tomorrow.

Students in second/third period: The School Board will be paying us a visit tomorrow. Be nice.

Gifted English II: After I distribute the Othello content vocabulary, we will be writing a quick, informal response to a quote from the tragedy for pre-reading purposes. Also, we will be going over the Lupercal festival concept with more detail.

APees: I will give each of you a packet of student-generated essays on the prompt you outlined/addressed yesterday in class. As a group, we are going to read over the student samples and determine the criteria the College Board is seeking for poetic analysis on Hardy's text.