Thursday, February 26, 2009

Friday, February 27, 3009: Absent

To all students: This is the e-mail I just sent to my APees. I just want to add to the sophomores--continue reading aloud in class with Othello, and please do not cause the substitute any problems. I assure you I wouldn't be out unless it was absolutely vital.


Dear Student,

I just found out that I will have to be absent tomorrow for a continuation of my family's ongoing medical issues. I fervently apologize for any inconvenience, and I will be there in the morning prior to first period if you'd like to drop off your Romanticism projects and show me your artwork. However, you now technically have until Monday to complete the project--I anticipate being back in the classroom Monday, regardless of the outcome tomorrow.

Your Jane Eyre quiz is still tomorrow for chapters 17-22, and once more, I am sorry tor any inconvenience.

Thank you and have a lovely evening,

Ms. Hilley