Seriously--how many of us feel this way? We can't wait to leave work or school and rush home to. . .work on a computer. Granted, my job doesn't require that I stare tediously into the LCD glow of a computer monitor, but it does require a significant amount of computing. Then I rush home, heady with the haze of temporary freedom, and log on. So sad. There is such thing as too much technology. Right?
Reminders Aplenty!
Sophys: REGISTRATION FOR NEW CLASSES BEGINS NEXT THURSDAY. I will go to training next Wednesday and bring you all of the relevant information, but if I haven't met with you yet--and that's still about a quarter of you--let's make plans to do so on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. No worries! Signature dates (when your current teachers sign the recommendations for next year's classes) will be on February 17th and 18th, and then I will go with you to Guidance on the 20th to meet with your individual counselors. This calendar will most likely be on the BHS website also (you can access that at www.boonebraves.ocps.net) and in the weekly Reservation Report to which your parents might subscribe. Advice: Please involve your parental units in your decision making process! Your junior year is your MOST important year of high school! And you can believe me, because I DON'T TEACH JUNIORS! So this isn't false advertising for my own brand of pedagogical magic or anything.
APees: Your moral homework tonight was to Name Your House, like in Jane Eyre. Since I rent, I don't really have naming rights for my abode, nor have I named my car. I do, however, have a cactus named Copernicus, and I have over 200 handbags awaiting naming. Suggestions are welcome. Name your home! You'll be glad you did! Just don't name it Kindling or anything similarly ominous. Your real homework, however, is to read chapters 1-4 of Jane Eyre for a spectacular quiz tomorrow.
Now time for some confessions!
Confession #1: I won't be there tomorrow. I knew it today, pretty much, and I arranged to have the awesome Mr. Bailey has my sub, but I feared that too many of you might absent yourselves on your own recognizance if you knew in advance of my absence on a Friday--particularly those of you in the later afternoon classes. Be good! I have a checkup; all will be well.
Confession #2, The Big One: So it turns out I did order copies of Jane Eyre, and there are two boxes near my desk (in front of the empty bookcase) chock-full of brand new copies. If you would like one, just let Mr. Bailey know and he will give you one. I am sorry! I forgot I ordered them two years ago, and then forgot I placed them in Mrs. Covert's room, then forget subsequently that I removed them from Mrs. Covert's room and returned them to my room, then forgot I used those boxes as makeshift tables. I am sorry! Help yourselves! The novels were purchased with funds from The College Board--we WANT you to read them!
Lessons for Today:
Sophys: I have questions for you that focus on Act II; since you are responsible for reading Act II independently, these questions will help you in your pursuit of academic excellence. And they are in the order of the play's narrative! Reminder: Lupercal is Monday, and FCAT Writes! is Tuesday!
APees: Jane Eyre quiz, which will take some of you more time than others due to scrupulosity of test-taking. Afterwards, please read "The Cormorant" in the 6th edition beige workbook (pp. 16-17) and answer the 11 questions that correspond. IF you have time still, Mr. Bailey will have four extensive thought questions for the novel.
If you were curious, this is what a cormorant looks like:

Have a great weekend, and we will schedule an Outside Reading Day next week, so that you can experience Romanticism in the gentle embrace of nature, or at least, the gentle embrace of BHS's concrete superstructure.