Gifted English II: After we review sample FCAT Writes! prompts and discuss strategies for next week's writing test, we will adjourn to our groups to go over the Lupercal Festival coming on Monday. You need to have The Elements of Style by Strunk and White; we will be going over the first eleven rules in class each day for the next few days. The first quiz is on this part of the book. I will post the rules you need here over the weekend; however, you still need the book to review the specific examples. Trust me on this one--this book is THE definitive grammar text you will need for success in high school and beyond.
AP Literature and Comp: Yesterday, we went through most of "Nightingale" by Keats; today, we will finish the final stanza with whole-class analysis, after which we will break into discussion groups to really delve into the discussion questions in the packet I gave you.
Reminder: You need to have read through Chapter 4 of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte by tomorrow. The book can be found electronically due to public domain should you still need a copy. The copies in my classroom have already been distributed (in their limited way) but there are many copies available via the public library if you can't find one for purchase or do not wish to spend money on one.