Since so many of you are taking multiple exams this spring and need to plan ahead, I'm going ahead and telling you what we will be doing in class each day. As I see what needs are present among you I will be adding help sessions and one-on-one tutoring throughout the days leading up to the exam.
Monday, April 27-Wednesday, April 29: Viewing/reading A Streetcar Named Desire in class, to add one more title to your repertoire.
Wednesday, April 29-May 1, 2009: Review all texts studied this year (the review packet with the cool font) and go over multiple choice strategies
Monday, May 4-Wednesday, May 6: Review AP Practice Examinations with several student samples. If you will be out for either Government or Calc (or both) I can give you copies of everything ahead of time and work with you online or in person outside of school hours.
The AP Lit and Comp exam is Thursday, May 7 at 7:30 a.m. at Delaney Baptist Church Gym. I will provide breakfast in room 313 starting at 6:45 that morning for interested students.
YOU ARE EXCUSED ON EACH DAY OF TESTING, BUT SCHOOL IS STILL IN SESSION ON THE DATES AFTER THE AP EXAM. You will have a final in my class; we've already discussed it in class several times, but I will reiterate its format after the AP test is over.