Today is HAT DAY at BHS. Bring one dollar to the Discipline Office and get a hand stamp that allows you to wear a festive hat all day. It's a fundraiser for something we really need at Boone, and I have the coolest hat in support of this endeavor!
Also--today is the annual Art Festival. My classes are not signed up to attend, but I encourage you to go during lunch to see the artwork and hear the awesome music.
Gifted English II: Writing a Review of a Review. Your homework yesterday was to bring in a review of any kind from a newspaper, magazine, or internet printout. Today, we are going to use the material to devise a Review of a Review before we launch into our next writing assignment.
AP Literature: Return Heart of Darkness quizzes and proceed with the character analyses on the chart--due Tuesday. I do want to do a brief read-aloud of the Accountant passage for analysis purposes at the beginning of the period. Conrad really is amazing, eh? I maintain that this work will offer you a myriad of opportunities on the actual Lit exam next month.