Brief plug for travel purposes: If you are interested in going to Paris next Thanksgiving week (must be a graduate or senior at the time) or Ireland next spring, see me as soon as possible for the paperwork. We won't have another meeting until the fall, but if you want to lock in the price before airfare goes up again you'll need to decide soon.
Gifted English II: Share some odes (hw from yesterday) and then: The Ballad! We are going to listen to/read "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot and "The Highwayman" by Loreena McKennitt, based on the poem by Sir Alfred Noyes. And if you think those two are saucy, you should see some other medieval ballads. . .not happy tunes, no, not at all.
APees: More Streetcar: Stanley gets saucier. Blanche hides in shadows. STELLA!