I don't have this officially, but apparently we won't be distributing progress reports tomorrow in the traditional format. Your parental units will be encouraged to log in to ProgressBook and view your averages there. We are still working on the nuances of this new system, but I'm sure I'll have info to send home regarding this shift.
ALSO--I have letters to distribute to the sophomores about the PSAT, which is coming up in mid-October. Each of you is already signed up to take this test, at no cost to you. This test is the single-best indicator we have for preparedness for multiple AP courses next year, and will help you prep for the National Merit Scholars competition.
Gifted English II: Author of the Day is Margery Kempe, after which we have an awesome vocabulary quiz for words 81-100. Then: More Antigone, Scene 4!
APees: After a brief but scintillating quizlet on Macbeth, Acts I and II--har har--we are going to launch full-on into Act II, scene iii--the Porter sequence.
HW this weekend: Gifted English II--finish reading Antigone; APees--read the essay by Thomas de Quincey called "On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth" that I am distributing tomorrow.
Regarding NHS: Please consider your timing when asking me to sign your form or give you service hours. I'm always glad to help, but some of you are having trouble sensing the tone. If I am surrounded by students seeking help with college essays, or am assiduously working on something in the Writing Center, flinging yourself to the head of the line and demanding something Right Now is not the way to fly. Sense the tone, people. And learn to recognize when an eye-roll is aimed at you.
That said, I am glad to help. I know these forms are due next Friday. If you need help, come see me--but be nice about it!!!
Much love to all. Really!