Tone Vocabulary
Like the tone of a speaker’s voice, the tone of a work of literature expresses the writer’s feelings. To determine the tone of a passage, ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the subject of the passage? Who is its intended audience?
- What are the most important words in the passage? What connotations do these words have?
- What feelings are generated by the images of the passage?
- Are there any hints that the speaker or narrator does not really mean everything he or she says? If any jokes are made, are they lighthearted or bitter?
- If the narrator were speaking aloud, what would the tone of his or her voice be?
Positive Tone/Attitude Words
Amiable | Consoling | Friendly | Playful |
Amused | Content | Happy | Pleasant |
Appreciative | Dreamy | Hopeful | Proud |
Authoritative | Ecstatic | Impassioned | Relaxed |
Benevolent | Elated | Jovial | Reverent |
Brave | Elevated | Joyful | Romantic |
Calm | Encouraging | Jubilant | Soothing |
Cheerful | Energetic | Lighthearted | Surprised |
Cheery | Enthusiastic | Loving | Sweet |
Compassionate | Excited | Optimistic | Sympathetic |
Complimentary | Exuberant | Passionate | Vibrant |
Confident | Fanciful | Peaceful | Whimsical |
Negative Tone/Attitude Words
Accusing | Choleric | Furious | Quarrelsome |
Aggravated | Coarse | Harsh | Shameful |
Agitated | Cold | Haughty | Smooth |
Angry | Condemnatory | Hateful | Snooty |
Apathetic | Condescending | Hurtful | Superficial |
Arrogant | Contradictory | Indignant | Surly |
Artificial | Critical | Inflammatory | Testy |
Audacious | Desperate | Insulting | Threatening |
Belligerent | Disappointed | Irritated | Tired |
Bitter | Disgruntled | Manipulative | Uninterested |
Boring | Disgusted | Obnoxious | Wrathful |
Brash | Disinterested | Outraged |
Childish | Facetious | Passive |
Humor-Irony-Sarcasm Tone/Attitude Words
Amused | Droll | Mock-heroic | Sardonic |
Bantering | Facetious | Mocking | Satiric |
Bitter | Flippant | Mock-serious | Scornful |
Caustic | Giddy | Patronizing | Sharp |
Comical | Humorous | Pompous | Silly |
Condescending | Insolent | Quizzical | Taunting |
Contemptuous | Ironic | Ribald | Teasing |
Critical | Irreverent | Ridiculing | Whimsical |
Cynical | Joking | Sad | Wry |
Disdainful | Malicious | Sarcastic |
Sorrow-Fear-Worry Tone/Attitude Words
Aggravated | Embarrassed | Morose | Resigned |
Agitated | Fearful | Mournful | Sad |
Anxious | Foreboding | Nervous | Serious |
Apologetic | Gloomy | Numb | Sober |
Apprehensive | Grave | Ominous | Solemn |
Concerned | Hollow | Paranoid | Somber |
Confused | Hopeless | Pessimistic | Staid |
Dejected | Horrific | Pitiful | Upset |
Depressed | Horror | Poignant |
Despairing | Melancholy | Regretful |
Disturbed | Miserable | Remorseful |
Neutral Tone/Attitude Words
Admonitory | Dramatic | Intimae | Questioning |
Allusive | Earnest | Judgmental | Reflective |
Apathetic | Expectant | Learned | Reminiscent |
Authoritative | Factual | Loud | Resigned |
Baffled | Fervent | Lyrical | Restrained |
Callous | Formal | Matter-of-fact | Seductive |
Candid | Forthright | Meditative | Sentimental |
Ceremonial | Frivolous | Nostalgic | Serious |
Clinical | Haughty | Objective | Shocking |
Consoling | Histrionic | Obsequious | Sincere |
Contemplative | Humble | Patriotic | Unemotional |
Conventional | Incredulous | Persuasive | Urgent |
Detached | Informative | Pleading | Vexed |
Didactic | Inquisitive | Pretentious | Wistful |
Disbelieving | Instructive | Provocative | Zealous |