Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 28, 2009

Note:  From sunset last night to sunset tonight, Judaism commemorates Yom Kippur.  If you need to be out of school today for religious observance, please see me for your make-up work upon your return, and I hope you have a good Day of Atonement.

Gifted English II:  Author of the Day is Percy Bysshe Shelley.  Reminder that the Author of the Day Quiz, which is open notes, but not open book, open friend, or open teacher, is tomorrow.  Bring a pencil or pen.  We will be progressing quickly through Antigone today, and there might be a need for a post-it quiz.  Just saying.

APees:  This past weekend, I asked you to read the critical essay "On the Knocking at the Gate" by Thomas de Quincey, 19th century scholar.  Today we need to discuss that piece with respect to Macbeth, Acts I and II.  You will need to read the rest of Act III independently, but we will begin it today in class. There might be a writing prompt tomorrow related to Macstuff.  Just saying.