Saturday, October 02, 2010


Dear Sophomores:

1. Antigone questions are due Tuesday, October 5 by 3 p.m. (typing is preferred.)
2. The PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 13 during periods 1-3. You are already signed up and do not have to pay to take this test, but I have no further information at this point on testing locations. I will let you know as soon as I do.
3. The Count of Monte Cristo reading due date is October 22, 2010.
4. Five of you still have make-up work pending; I waited Friday during both lunch shifts and only two of you showed up. Please make this a priority.

Dear APees:

1. The SAT will be given this Saturday here at Boone; if you are desperate and forgot to sign up see Mrs. Pearson immediately about standby options OR future testing dates. I will be proctoring in room 313.
2. Congratulations to our National Merit Semi-Finalists!!!
3. If you need help with college admissions essays/scholarship essays, don't forget The Writing Center as a resource. We are open both lunch shifts and you are welcome to bring something to eat/drink with you.
4. If you need service hours for NHS, see me ASAP. Believe me, I need the help. New district policy requires active members to earn FIVE hours per quarter AT BOONE. Well, I'm at Boone, and I like to sign my name with a sophisticated flourish to service letters.