Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
APees: A Little Motivation
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
September 28, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Authors of the Day: Master List
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ayn Rand Essay Contest
Tuesday, September 22, 2009: Revision
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Index of Literary Terms: For Those Who Can't Find Theirs
Index of Literary Terms
Every discipline employs a specialized vocabulary. Literary criticism is no exception. Learn to recognize and label the following terms during this course, and keep this list as a reference tool in the "Handouts" section of your notebook. Some terms in this list apply to one genre only, but most function broadly across many genres. Those terms marked with an asterisk deserve special attention. Your assignment over the next few weeks is to define and give an example for each of these terms. I will expect you to learn a subset of the total list each week, and we will go over and use the terms in class. Understanding literary terms will be an invaluable tool for you in your future English course work.
1. allegory* 36. epic 70. monologue 107. structure*
2. alliteration* 37. epigram 71. myth* 108. style*
3. allusion* 38. epiphany 72. narrative 109. subplot
4. ambiguity* 39. euphony 73. naturalism 110. symbol
5. anapest 40. existentialism* 74. novel` 111. synecdoche
6. antagonist 41. exposition 75. octave 112. syntax*
7. anti-hero* 42. fable 76. ode 113. theme*
8. apostrophe 43. fairy tale 77. onomatopoeia 114. tone*
9. archetype 44. falling action 78. oxymoron* 115. tragedy*
10. aside 45. fantasy 79. paradox* 116. tragic flaw
11. assonance 46. figurative language* 80. paraphrase 117. trope
12. ballad 47. flashback 81. personification 118. understatement
13. blank verse 48. foil 82. plot* 119. verisimilitude
14. cacophany 49. folk tale 83. point of view* 120. voice*
15. caesura 50. foot 84. prose
16. catharsis 51. foreshadowing 85. protagonist
17. characterization 52. form 86. pun
round 53. frame 87. pyrrhic
flat 54. free verse 88. quatrain
18. climax 55. gothic 89. realism
19. classicism/neoclassicism 56. hamartia 90. repetition
20. comedy 57. hubris* 91. rhythm
21. complication 58. humor 92. rhyme
22. conceit 59. hyperbole 93. rhyme scheme
23. conflict 60. iamb 94. run-on line
24. connotation* 61. image(ry)* 95. sarcasm
25. consonance 62. irony* 96. satire*
26. couplet verbal 97. scansion
27. crisis dramatic 98. sentimentality
28. dactyl situational 99. sestet
29. denotation* 63. legend 100. setting*
30. denouement 64. mask/persona 101. simile*
31. diction* 65. melodrama 102. soliloquy
32. dramatic monologue 66. metaphor* 103. sonnet
33. elegy 67. metaphysical 104. spondee
34. ellipsis 68. meter 105. stanza
35. end-stop line 69. metonymy 106. stream of consciousness
NOTE: I would recommend keeping a separate definition list for each week. On Monday I will assign the subset for which you are responsible; every Friday you will be quizzed on that subset. Keep this list, and your definitions, in the CLASSWORK section of your notebook.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Notes on Macbeth by Shakespeare
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week of September 14, 2009: General Schedule
Thursday, September 10, 2009
ProgressBook: The Regression
I embrace technology and love it; when I found out BHS was switching to ProgressBook for the grades I was so excited. I could enter grades from home! The district was going to a web-based service! Yay!
Well, I may embrace technology, but this time it hasn't embraced me back. I am having some difficulty wrapping my brain around ProgressBook and am actively seeking help to make it work. Please be patient with me; I should have all of the grades uploaded and current after this weekend. It's like learning to drive stick shift after zipping around on automatic.
All the best,
Ms. Hilley
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 07, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Tone Vocabulary
Tone Vocabulary
Like the tone of a speaker’s voice, the tone of a work of literature expresses the writer’s feelings. To determine the tone of a passage, ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the subject of the passage? Who is its intended audience?
- What are the most important words in the passage? What connotations do these words have?
- What feelings are generated by the images of the passage?
- Are there any hints that the speaker or narrator does not really mean everything he or she says? If any jokes are made, are they lighthearted or bitter?
- If the narrator were speaking aloud, what would the tone of his or her voice be?
Positive Tone/Attitude Words
Amiable | Consoling | Friendly | Playful |
Amused | Content | Happy | Pleasant |
Appreciative | Dreamy | Hopeful | Proud |
Authoritative | Ecstatic | Impassioned | Relaxed |
Benevolent | Elated | Jovial | Reverent |
Brave | Elevated | Joyful | Romantic |
Calm | Encouraging | Jubilant | Soothing |
Cheerful | Energetic | Lighthearted | Surprised |
Cheery | Enthusiastic | Loving | Sweet |
Compassionate | Excited | Optimistic | Sympathetic |
Complimentary | Exuberant | Passionate | Vibrant |
Confident | Fanciful | Peaceful | Whimsical |
Negative Tone/Attitude Words
Accusing | Choleric | Furious | Quarrelsome |
Aggravated | Coarse | Harsh | Shameful |
Agitated | Cold | Haughty | Smooth |
Angry | Condemnatory | Hateful | Snooty |
Apathetic | Condescending | Hurtful | Superficial |
Arrogant | Contradictory | Indignant | Surly |
Artificial | Critical | Inflammatory | Testy |
Audacious | Desperate | Insulting | Threatening |
Belligerent | Disappointed | Irritated | Tired |
Bitter | Disgruntled | Manipulative | Uninterested |
Boring | Disgusted | Obnoxious | Wrathful |
Brash | Disinterested | Outraged |
Childish | Facetious | Passive |
Humor-Irony-Sarcasm Tone/Attitude Words
Amused | Droll | Mock-heroic | Sardonic |
Bantering | Facetious | Mocking | Satiric |
Bitter | Flippant | Mock-serious | Scornful |
Caustic | Giddy | Patronizing | Sharp |
Comical | Humorous | Pompous | Silly |
Condescending | Insolent | Quizzical | Taunting |
Contemptuous | Ironic | Ribald | Teasing |
Critical | Irreverent | Ridiculing | Whimsical |
Cynical | Joking | Sad | Wry |
Disdainful | Malicious | Sarcastic |
Sorrow-Fear-Worry Tone/Attitude Words
Aggravated | Embarrassed | Morose | Resigned |
Agitated | Fearful | Mournful | Sad |
Anxious | Foreboding | Nervous | Serious |
Apologetic | Gloomy | Numb | Sober |
Apprehensive | Grave | Ominous | Solemn |
Concerned | Hollow | Paranoid | Somber |
Confused | Hopeless | Pessimistic | Staid |
Dejected | Horrific | Pitiful | Upset |
Depressed | Horror | Poignant |
Despairing | Melancholy | Regretful |
Disturbed | Miserable | Remorseful |
Neutral Tone/Attitude Words
Admonitory | Dramatic | Intimae | Questioning |
Allusive | Earnest | Judgmental | Reflective |
Apathetic | Expectant | Learned | Reminiscent |
Authoritative | Factual | Loud | Resigned |
Baffled | Fervent | Lyrical | Restrained |
Callous | Formal | Matter-of-fact | Seductive |
Candid | Forthright | Meditative | Sentimental |
Ceremonial | Frivolous | Nostalgic | Serious |
Clinical | Haughty | Objective | Shocking |
Consoling | Histrionic | Obsequious | Sincere |
Contemplative | Humble | Patriotic | Unemotional |
Conventional | Incredulous | Persuasive | Urgent |
Detached | Informative | Pleading | Vexed |
Didactic | Inquisitive | Pretentious | Wistful |
Disbelieving | Instructive | Provocative | Zealous |