Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Monday! Another week takes us closer to AP exams. Oh, and Prom. Oh, and the end of the school year. Spring has sprung and we have stuff to do. To wit:

Word of the Day: narcoleptic
Holiday: Today is the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing (to be taken very seriously as a commemorative event) but the two accompanying, sillier holidays are Boston Marathon Day and National Hey Let's Hang Out Day.
Author of the Day: Edith Wharton

Gifted English II: How to Write a Review (by establishing criteria); pronouns and antecedents, by request of the AP Lang instructor, and a cool poem about a dead chicken. It doesn't get any better than this, folks. We still need to do those discussion questions for TFA, as well. Next reading deadline: the rest of Part I, due Thursday.

APees: Heart of Darkness--notes on the board (Layers of Meaning) followed by questions to do or not-do. Remember the Macpacket? The students who followed the questions did CONSIDERABLY better on the test than their counterparts. Just saying. Jane Eyre papers on the extended deadline are due, in my hand, by 3 p.m.