Author of the Day: James Joyce
Weird Holiday: Tartan Day, Teflon Day, and Drowsy Driver Awareness Day
Gifted English II: Bring your ID; we are going to the Media Center to pick up copies of Things Fall Apart, available earlier than I anticipated. (Yay!) Remember the rules: Silence in the halls, the scamper across the KemoSabe Commons, then silence, then scampering, then silence. THEN: Memoir studies and transition to other examples of nonfiction.
APees: There might be an outdoor activity third period. If you know what I mean. Afterwards, sharing Bertha info, and beginning the review for Friday's Jane Eyre test. Tomorrow: TW on a DBQ. Necessary evil; don't say I didn't warn you. And remember please that the AP Practice Exam is either next Wednesday (4/14) or the following Wednesday (4/21).