Monday, April 26, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Author of the Day today is Virginia Woolf.

Today's word is hegemony.

Today's holiday is Morse Code Day and Teach Your Children to Save Day (I'm not sure if save is the transitive or the intransitive verb here--save people or just save? Or perhaps "money" is the implied object of the phrase "save" anyway. . .)

Gifted English II: Return a TON of graded work and assess what's missing; review for tomorrow's epically awesome Things Fall Apart Part I assessment; Short Handbook grammar rule review; How to Write a Review.

APees: The Trifecta Begins!

First third of the class: Go over yesterday's MC passages, specifically "The Death of Tommy Grimes" and "Man with a Hoe."

Second third of the class: Go over Heart of Darkness preparatory for tomorrow's all-kinds-of-awesome assessment.

Third third of the class, because we have to have three thirds in order to make the division into thirds viable: Go over end-of-course review stuff for The AP Exam Itself.

A good time will be had by, say, 80% of you.