Monday, April 12, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I know that some of you will be out today for the Photo III field trip with Mr. Allen. If you see something cool in Augie that would make our classroom even weirder, get it!

Author of the Day: Truman Capote
Word of the Day: calumny
Weird Holiday Day: Thomas Jefferson Day (remind me to tell you a cool anecdote about something Kennedy once said about Jefferson.)

Gifted English II: Notes on the board regarding criteria for writing reviews; example of a review by Anthony Lane from The New Yorker. Our next non-fiction foray is writing a review of a cultural text from the past three years; anything from a concert to a CD release to a movie. I hope I don't get 58 reviews of Avatar.

APees: The transition to Heart of Darkness begins with a reading of T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men". The epigraph at the top of the poem is from the novel.