Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Happy Groundhog Day! What a delightful day for Puxsatawney Pete. Or Phil. Or Bob. Whatever they name that gopher. . .

(I love the film Groundhog Day, with Bill Murray. Highly recommended. You will never listen to "I Got You, Babe" the same way again.)

I'm on campus today, but working in a different capacity, so you will have a substitute instructor. That said, I could pop in at any moment, stiff with inertia and bored beyond belief away from the precious ones I call students, so don't act up. Your sub will guide you through the merry halls of Knowledge and Fine Living just fine without me.

AP Literature: Miss Bronte, Miss Bronte--I gave each of you some background information about Haworth, the boarding school Charlotte Bronte attended with her brother and sisters. Now that you have read through the Lowood account in Jane Eyre, how do you see Bronte's verisimilitude? Is this a romanticized autobiography? You will look at these and other equally compelling questions in today's class.

Gifted English IV: After a little quiz on R and G, continue with R and G. If you are good you can watch more of the film version for the last twenty minutes of class.

Gifted English II: Julius Caesar Unit Test, followed by the E.B. White memoir "Once More to the Lake." Remember the duck principle--if you look like a duck and act like a duck, I have to assume that you are a duck. Therefore, if you look like you're cheating and act like you're cheating, I have to assume. . .

Be good! I will see you all tomorrow!