Monday, January 29, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

AP Literature: First period will be taking the multiple choice practice session; fourth and fifth will be finishing and reviewing for the Jane Eyre quizlet on Wednesday.

Gifted English IV: RosenGuil again.

Gifted English II: Othello Act II, and Elements rules 15, 16, and 17.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Can you believe it's the end of January already?

ADJUSTED DEADLINE: Due to confusion on my part, I neglected to distribute the supplemental source material that some of you will need for the Jane Eyre paper. Therefore, the paper is due Friday, February 2, by 3 p.m. I am sorry for the error.

Seniors: Senior Superlative ballots go out today. If you take this seriously, you will need to submit a ballot by Wednesday. We will not be spending any class time on this endeavor.

AP Literature: First period will be experimenting with terza rima, and fourth and fifth will be taking the AP Practice Multiple Choice Session (the one that starts on page 90 in the beige practice book--the poem with Richard Wright.)

Gifted English IV: Notes on Theater of the Absurd and begin the first 16 pages of R and G Are Dead. Reminder: Hamlet essay due Wednesday.

Gifted English II: Elements of Style, rules 12, 13, and 14; Othello Act I vocabulary quiz; the joys of a messy desk. (No kidding--it's an interesting concept in a new book.)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Friday, January 26, 2007

AP Learners: Don't forget the second, amazing, fruitful poetry session after school today at the Barnes and Noble on SR 50 and Bumby. 3-5 p.m.

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: Shelley; HW for the weekend is to FINISH JANE EYRE.

Gifted English IV: Hamlet Unit Test; discuss focus paper assignment; transition into Stoppard.

Gifted English II: The Elements of Style and Othello. Quick-write in class about jealousy and relationships, preparatory to the first Othello-related focus paper. Also--any resubmits on the Julius Caesar paper are now due.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: Shelley, "Ozzy," and "Ode." Good times.

Gifted English IV: Almereyda's Hamlet as review for tomorrow's test.

Gifted English II: Othello, Act I, scene ii and iii. Also--question packet for additional credit.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Mock Trial team will be holding practice in my room after school today from 2-4:30. If anyone needs to see me, it will need to be before 2 p.m.

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: First period will be assessing the letters between Southey and Bronte before moving back into Coleridge. Fourth and fifth will revisit Coleridge and make the transition to Shelley.

Gifted English IV: Hamlet review for unit test on Friday; share Hamlet creative writings. Also, distribute Hamlet focus paper.

Gifted English II: Othello reading questions; Othello, Act I, scene i. Review vocabulary preparatory to quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

We will have several UCF interns observing us today. Try not to devour them.

AP Literature and Composition: Deconstructing Coleridge, Chapter II. Some questions to consider: How is Coleridge's vision of nature different from Wordsworth? Who is the "dear lady" of whom he speaks so admiringly? How does the poem connect to the other "conversation poems" in Romanticism?

Gifted English IV: Finish Hamlet, Act V, scene ii, and review the creative writing assignment due tomorrow.

Gifted English II: Elements of Style quiz, part i, and discussion of Othello pre-reading themes, focusing on "reputation".

Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: Deconstructing Coleridge, Part I.

Gifted English IV: Hamlet, Act IV, scene v and Act V, scene i questions.

Gifted English II: Passage from "Palace Walk" by Naguib Mahfouz.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday, January 19, 2007

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: Coleridge to Shelley.

Gifted English IV: Hamlet packets, for test review; finish the play.

Gifted English II: Julius Caesar Unit Test, and revisions of JC focus papers due. Transition to Othello.

Thursday, January 18th 2007

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: "This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison" and Romanticism creative project.

Gifted English IV: Hamlet questions from Act IV to Act V.

Gifted English II: LUPERCAL!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hello, Wednesday!

AP Literature and Composition: Jane Eyre quiz, chapters 17-22. Analysis of "Rime" with graphic organizer and conversation about the poem. Albatross. . .

Gifted English IV: Hamlet quiz and more Hammityham.

Gifted English II: Final quick meeting on Lupercal festival and review for Julius Caesar test on Friday. Also: Chapter 1 of The Elements of Style by Strunk and White.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: I hope you are continuing to progress in Jane Eyre by Bronte; you have a quiz tomorrow! Today I am returning some graded work to you and finishing "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" before we listen to the Iron Maiden version (courtesy of Tobin). Coleridge does, indeed, ROCK.

Gifted English IV: Today I am giving each of you a Hamlet paper assignment. Your revised timed writings are due tomorrow, by the way. We are going to continue our reading of this play and prepare for a quiz tomorrow.

Gifted English II: Timed Writing today--persuasive topic. It should be interesting!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!

This day commemorates the birthday of a Civil Rights leader and significant presence in American history. Enjoy your day off from your classes.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007


AP Literature: "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Coleridge.

Gifted English IV: Hamlet, Act III.

Gifted English II: Julius Caesar Scavenger Hunt (use it as a test review!) and finish our discussion of JC. Your paper is due today by 3 p.m.--you can either turn it in to me in class, or drop it off at the main office on your way out of school today.

POETRY PARTICIPANTS: Meet at Barnes and Noble on Bumby and 50 at 3 p.m. for elucidating discussion with your peers, as moderated by Covert and Hilley, inc.

USHERS: Be at the indoor theater at 6:30 p.m. for dinner and ten service points!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

WE ARE GOING TO HAVE AN EMERGENCY DRILL TODAY. For my students, that means we need to stay in our classroom and avoid the doors with glass inserts. For many other students, that means that you will be moving into a hallway. Listen to the announcements and cooperate with administration, and it will go quickly. IF YOU ARE ON A READING PASS, GO INTO THE NEAREST CLASSROOM FOR THE DRILL.

AP Literature: Jane Eyre reading passes; close reading of Jane Eyre with slips specifying elements of literature to seek out actively.

Gifted English IV: Hamlet--paraphrasing a soliloquy, and moving farther into Acts II and III.

Gifted English II: Introduction to The Elements of Style and finish Julius Caesar screening. We will have the JC unit test next week after the MLK holiday.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Report cards were scheduled to go out today, but due to a printing problem they will not be available until later in the week. I will update as soon as I hear from Guidance.

Advanced Placement Literature: "Kubla Khan" analysis and transition into "Rime." Coleridge amazes me.

Gifted English IV: Review Act II, scene i and transition into Act II, scene ii. Hamlet content vocabulary will be posted on the board for you.

Gifted English II: Each group will meet at the start of the period to discuss the Lupercal festival for next Thursday, and during that time I will come around and check your rough drafts. Remember that your paper is due Friday by 3 p.m. at the main office (I have to leave campus quickly for a poetry workshop) or by fax at 407.897.2466. Afterward--Julius Caesar bites the dust.

Note: If anyone needs assistance with anything, I will be in a department meeting after school, and then I will be in another mentoring meeting after that. Pretty much, if you don't catch me right after school, you need to wait until Thursday a.m.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

I have an ushering opportunity for some of you this Friday night; you can earn ten hours and you get free dinner! It's the opening gala night for King Lear at the Orlando Shakespeare Festival, and I would need you there by 6 p.m. clad in black and white. Let me know if you are interested.

AP Lit: Transition from Wordsworth to Coleridge. NOTE: If you are going on the Magnet Finance trip to New York, see me today before departing so I can give you the materials you will need during your absence.

Gifted English IV: Hamlet Act I quiz, followed by more Hamlet goodness.

Gifted English II: Go over requirements for Ancient Roman Festival and begin our screening of Julius Caesar. REMINDER: Plan to go to the Writing Center this week if you want the extra credit opportunity!!!!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday, January 8, 2007

Welcome back to the first FULL week!


1. SENIORS: Financial Aid Night is 1/18/2007 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. If you have ANY questions or worries about the FAFSA plan to attend.
2. We will be having an emergency drill Thursday at some point--stay tuned for updates.
3. A new school policy encourages all teachers to post a learning objective on the board for each class. Since my objective never really changes--we read, we talk, we write, we read some more, we talk some more, sometimes we eat--I've decided to place this on the board from now on, until I'm told otherwise: "To unravel the threads of literature's fuzzy sweater." It's a metaphor. I like it.

AP Literature: After taking the quiz on chapters 11-16 from Jane Eyre, we will go back into "Tintern Abbey" and discuss allusions, metaphor, and vivid visual imagery as seen in the poem.

Gifted English IV: Finishing Act I; we have a quiz tomorrow! Prepare.

Gifted English II: After signing up for Early Lupercalia (next Thursday, 1/18), we finished Act V of Julius Caesar. We will start screening the film tomorrow in class. NOTE: You have a paper due on Friday, and can earn five extra points by going to the Writing Center with it.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday, January 5, 2007

AP Literature: Today, we work with "Tintern Abbey" by Wordsworth.

Gifted English IV: Hamlet, Act I, scenes i and ii. HW--Read scene iii.

Gifted English II: Julius Caesar Act IV quiz and working through Act V.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Thursday, January 4, 2007

AP Literature: I asked each of you to compose a one-page journal entry for homework last night; today we are using that created text for a writing workshop on concision and precision. At the conclusion of the writing activity, we will go over some notes introducing "Tintern Abbey" by William Wordsworth.

Gifted English IV: Timed writing on an element of Macbeth.

Gifted English II: Working through Act IV of Julius Caesar, including the incredible argument between Cassius and Brutus. Good times. HW tonight: Finish reading Act IV and prepare for a quiz tomorrow in class.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Welcome back to a new year and a new semester!

AP Literature and Composition: After we take the Jane Eyre quiz, we will discuss some elements of Romantic ideology and the Gothic novel. HW: One-page journal entry on Jane Eyre; suggested topics will be distributed in class.

Gifted English IV: Discussion of the tragic hero as we transition from Macbeth to Hamlet. Timed writing tomorrow! I will give each of you a copy of Hamlet today.

Gifted English II: Announcements and planning for Ancient Roman festival; comparison/contrast of the speeches in Act III; begin Act IV of JCaesar for discussion purposes.