Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007

Can you believe it's the end of January already?

ADJUSTED DEADLINE: Due to confusion on my part, I neglected to distribute the supplemental source material that some of you will need for the Jane Eyre paper. Therefore, the paper is due Friday, February 2, by 3 p.m. I am sorry for the error.

Seniors: Senior Superlative ballots go out today. If you take this seriously, you will need to submit a ballot by Wednesday. We will not be spending any class time on this endeavor.

AP Literature: First period will be experimenting with terza rima, and fourth and fifth will be taking the AP Practice Multiple Choice Session (the one that starts on page 90 in the beige practice book--the poem with Richard Wright.)

Gifted English IV: Notes on Theater of the Absurd and begin the first 16 pages of R and G Are Dead. Reminder: Hamlet essay due Wednesday.

Gifted English II: Elements of Style, rules 12, 13, and 14; Othello Act I vocabulary quiz; the joys of a messy desk. (No kidding--it's an interesting concept in a new book.)