Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sorry for the delayed post! VDay always messes up my thinking patterns. This entry will read more as a "what we did" than "what we're going to do" but I hope you will still find it helpful.

AP English Literature and Composition: Read Jane Eyre through Chapter 22, preparatory for an intensive discussion/activity in class Thursday. Your Keats project is due tomorrow.

Gifted English IV: Finish Restoration study packet, and discuss "The Haves and the Have-Nots." Your first major research paper deadline is this Friday--the notecards are due. I remind you that you CANNOT GRADUATE without completing the senior paper.

Gifted English II: Oh, I love you guys. We videotaped both classes for NBPTS and had a discussion on reputation as an introduction to Othello. Fantastic. I also gave each of you the Act I content vocabulary. Lupercal is tomorrow!