Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday, September 28, 2006

NOTE: We have done over 200 consultations during the month of September alone. Good job to the Writing Center consultants! Keep up the good work!!!

AP Lit: Today, another gaze at Macbeth through a critical lens as we read over Thomas de Quincey's essay "On the Knocking of the Gate." If you need to check out a textbook in order to access the supplementary criticisms on The King's Evil, the witches, and parodies of the Macplay, see me.

Gifted English IV: Today we are taking the "Two British Mysteries" vocabulary quiz, followed by a look at an essay in the text called "Life in 999--a Grim Reality." Great for context.

Gifted English II: Antigone objective quiz, followed by an introduction to the Literature of the Bible. (Notes are on the board.)

Clarification point for parents or students reading this: We are studying the literature of the Bible strictly from the perspective of literary analysis and for historicity, not from a theological standpoint. Understanding certain Biblical characters and themes will aid in deconstructing much of British and American literature, and understanding the allusions in classical literature can only help students reach new levels of comprehension and analysis. The College Board strongly recommends some Biblical backgrounds in preparation for both AP Language and Literature, which is why I incorporate such information into a pre-AP/Gifted class.