Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I love Hallowe'en, and have since I was a child--and to that end, each of you gets a little bag of goodies today. If you had already requested a nonedible alternative due to dietary restrictions, theological objections, or the simple fact that you long for something different, then I have a bag pre-made for you, as well.

AP Lit: The duelling scene from Hamlet, followed by a parody penned by none other than Steve Martin, comedian. After both scenes, I have a short story for you from the Canadian author Margaret Atwood called "Gertrude Talks Back," after which I will distribute the Hamlet review sheet for Thursday's test and the obituary creative writing assignment (also due Thursday.)

Gifted English IV: Quiz on your Chaucer reading from last night, followed by our completion of "The Pardoner's Tale."

Gifted English II: Author of the Day presentation today from Briana and Alex; the author in question is HP Lovecraft. Afterward, we will finish the Twain story "The Lowest Animal" and segue effortlessly into a visual representation of satire to celebrate Hallowe'en.