Friday, December 15, 2006

Winter Break Assignments

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: Students, please read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, at least through the first eleven or twelve chapters. You will have a quiz on the first day back.

Gifted English IV: Please don't do anything illegal over the break.

Gifted English II: As I told you before break. you need to acquire a copy of The Elements of Style by Strunk and White. What a terrific thing to find in your Christmas stocking or under the menorah! Also, if you go ahead and read the rest of Julius Caesar, Acts IV and V, life will be easier when you return on January 3rd. Remember, guys--we ARE having an Ancient Roman festival in January, so start brainstorming! A good time WILL be had by all. And Mrs. Nicoll might join us for some of the festivities. . .