Thursday, December 04, 2008

Notice Regarding Friday, December 5, 2008

I know that several of you need to leave early due to the playoff game down in West Palm Beach, and some have made arrangements to come to a different class period for AP Literary Madness. Guess what? You're probably off the hook.

I had another dramatic fall in the BHS parking lot this evening--around six p.m., if you must know, and while I made it through my travel meeting okay my leg is remarkably tender and swollen, so I'm taking off a half-day tomorrow for yet another x-ray adventure and a chance to elevate the swollen limb. Good times.

I will be at school tomorrow morning from 7:30-11:30ish, for anyone who needs me, and I hope that the football game is amazingly successful and that everyone is doing well.

Thanks and have a great weekend!!!

Lesson Plan for my absence: Read Act I of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, with copies provided in class. Please submit the hard copy of your focus paper to your substitute; I will read the submissions on over the weekend and grade the hard copies on Monday and Tuesday. The sub will stamp your paper as received when you submit to her/him.
(I will be there for Gifted English II tomorrow, for part II of my lecture on the Tudors.)