Unfortunately, we still have business to attend to, even in the face of tragedy. Hence, our schedule for today:
Gifted English II: Discuss "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker and prepare to make the transition into our next unit--horror in literature! I hope that you will find this interesting. The Author of the Day project list should be filled out by now, but I will still be presenting authors this week until we end the quarter. Today's author is the great, terrifying HP Lovecraft.
APees: Hamlet, Act I, scene ii soliloquy analysis, followed by (if time) Act I quiz. MacPapers are due by 3 p.m. today and tonight on www.turnitin.com. If you are having trouble logging in, you can e-mail me a Word attachment and I will upload it for you. Please send your paper by midnight Monday at jennifer.hilley@ocps.net and face no penalty.