Monday, March 20, 2006

Monday, March 20, 2006

Long time, no post! The past two weeks have been frenetically busy, but very rewarding. To wit: I just flew back from England, Scotland, and Wales with a fantastic group of students after having spent Spring Break exploring art, literature and history amid the freezing cold. It was wonderful, but it's hard to re-acclimate to Florida and its more tropical feel.

Grades have been posted, and if you are still in arrears or owe me make-up work, please see me ASAP or e-mail me at

Advanced Placement Literature and Composition: Please acquire a copy of Beloved by Toni Morrison for our next major reading assignment, and prepare for a timed writing in class tomorrow. Today--discussion of revisionism and a close reading of Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea, part III. Coming up: a quick look at postmodern lit with The Orchid Thief by Orlean.

Gifted English IV: The most linear class we've ever had--lecture/discussion on Romanticism.

Gifted English II: Assign next outside reading; select one of the following: Notes from the Underground or Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky or Utopia by Sir Thomas More.
Your focus paper on Othello (assignment: defend Iago!) is due Friday; five extra points if you visit the Writing Center between now and Thursday before submitting your paper for review.

Welcome back to the fourth quarter!!!