Monday, January 07, 2008

Monday, January 7, 2008: A New Year; A New Start!

Welcome back to an exciting new year! We still have two weeks to go before we complete this semester, but there are a few announcements I need to make before we get underway:

1. For those of you who know and love Mrs. Hannot ( a science teacher who left BHS this year to join Mrs. Tapley in Osceola County) please keep her in your thoughts and prayers--her husband became very ill this weekend, and she saved his life via CPR. He is in the hospital and is in very bad shape.

2. On a more student-centric note, NHS applications are due no later than Friday. If you need a leadership letter from me, see me ASAP. (This announcement applies only to seniors and juniors; sophomores need to continue working on community service and grades and can apply next year.)

3. Registration begins soon! Stay posted! Guidance will be distributing handbooks to 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students near the end of this month.

4. If anyone is interested in traveling with me next year to Prague in the fall (seniors and grads only) or Germany and Croatia in the spring (all ages) then come to the travel meeting on Tuesday, January 15 at 7 p.m. in room 313.

5. If anyone is interested in earning community service hours this month, our first ushering date is for Shakespeare's As You Like It on Saturday night at 7 p.m. See me for details. Admission to the play is included and counts toward service hours!

There are many exciting things to do this semester, and I hope that everyone is on board and ready to go!!!

Please see the following post for today's curriculum.

And friendly reminder: NO CELL PHONES IN MY CLASSROOM. It is my personal pet peeve and drives me crazy. You might be allowed to use them in the hall--fine, fine--but increasingly some of you are using them in class. NO NO NO.
