The Australian actor Heath Ledger passed away yesterday, no doubt due to drugs. So often people in the limelight succumb to the ravages and challenges of life in a fishbowl, but I had always thought that Ledger and his friends were of a slightly different ilk. Tragically, he is now dead at 28--a reminder of how devastating some choices can be, and a reminder to all of you young people that we are not invincible. Please don't make poor choices.
On to our lessons for the day:
APees: We need to continue our discussion of Conrad's vision, by focusing on a close reading of the text and then by giving you some time to develop your focus papers. Bring your HofD packet to class and we'll go over content vocab, too, time permitting.
Gifted English II: Planning for the Lupercal festival today! Third period will see the battle sequence from Act V of Julius Caesar, and sixth period will see the assassination of JC.