Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

APees: Jane Eyre check-reading quiz, chapters 6-12, and discussion/analysis of "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" parts III and IV. You may use your graphic organizer on the eventually-arriving-Romanticism Unit Test, so be sure to pay attention during class discussion.

Gifted English II: Please read Othello, Act IV today in class while I try to finish conferring with individuals about their upcoming schedules. Remember that we are collectively going to Guidance next Thursday to finalize your schedule plans, so please include your parents in your conversations about your choices. AP APPLICATIONS ARE DUE TOMORROW IN GUIDANCE OR IN MY HANDS--I WILL GLADLY SUBMIT THEM ON YOUR BEHALF. You only need to fill out one form, then photocopy for each course you plan to take.