Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday, V-Day, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day, to those who celebrate it! I have candy and good thoughts for you.
For those of you on my wavelength who celebrate Singles Awareness Day, I have Bittersweets from featuring snarky sayings. Enjoy!

APees: Today is Eyre in the Air--Reading Day for Jane Eyre. You have one journal entry due tomorrow, so today's reading needs to focus on any of the four prompts I gave you a few days ago. Take your reading pass to a comfy spot on campus and READ. We have administrative approval for this activity.

Gifted English II: Othello Act II Vocabulary and beginnings of Act III--we have discussion questions to guide us through the turning poinnt in the play. Our focus this week is analyzing with comparison and contrast--much like you did in your Julius Caesar papers. Good times all around!