Wheeeeee! FCAT is done (except for a few make-up tests, but those will be in the cafeteria.) I can return to my little slice of heaven in the 300 hall and play with my disco balls and my huge clock and all of my wonderful, wonderful BOOKS. A classroom just isn't the same without an endless number of books from which I can randomly select and say, "It's just like this! Look at this (poem, story, pop-up art, wheel-y toy, artist's rendering)" without having to leave my room. I love an overabundance of source material. One is never bored with lots of literature around. Really.
APees: Jane Eyre deliciousness coming to a close; yes, I'm sad, too. Focus paper pending.
Gifted English II: The Craft of Memoir, and some analogies, and a new outside reading assignment.