The FKitty is upon us and you need to remember where to go.
SOPHOMORES: Report directly to your assigned testing room. Do you have pencils? Did you leave your cell phones in your lockers/at home? Did you eat a nutritionally balanced breakfast? Have you had adequate sleep? No pressure, but since you are the most academically talented 10th graders at this school, some parties are expecting you to do extremely well for yourselves and for the greater good. BE WELL AND DO WELL. This is another critical rite of passage necessary for that whole Becoming an Adult thing.
APees: If you are on my first period roll, or if you truly have no place to go, find me in room 10-209. Bring a bottle of water and a snack--I will NOT be able to dismiss you until the all-call does. There will be a bathroom across the hall for emergencies/student comfort, and I will divide the period as reasonably as possible to facilitate learning/reduce homicidal urges on the part of students trapped with, well, me for that long. Tehee.
Scheduled lesson for the day: Keats and the Nightingale; questions about Jane Eyre; moments of English Romanticism for reflection, thought, and your delectation.