Monday, January 26, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mr Bailey will be your sub today, so be super-nice to him!!! He's a Gator!

Gifted English II: Julius Caesar Unit test, and content vocabulary for Othello. Use the dictionaries in the room to identify as many words as you can, although some are archaic and must be defined in context. IF YOU HAVE A COPY OF NO FEAR OTHELLO, BRING IT TOMORROW.

APees: "Ode to the West Wind" and TP-CASTT. Quick reminder (which will be posted on the board, btw): TP-CASTT is a College Board-recommended mnemonic device for analyzing tricky poems. Since "Ode" is in a complicated set of terza rima sonnets, this format will help you deconstruct what Shelley is attempting to convey about autumn, grieving, and the creative process (among other things.)

Connotation (figurative language, essentially)
Title, again--symbolic interpretation, perhaps?

Also, also, also: is NOT an option. BOTH CLASSES will need to post their focus papers on this website by Friday, January 30 at midnight, or e-mail it to by the same time deadline to receive full credit for the paper. Each late day will cost you five points. THIS IS NOT AN OPTION.